So I did this and I had to use colored pencils because I had foot surgery.... Anyways long story short the laptop I had with me didn't have photoshop and my lack of mobility meant I was stuck. ;) Enjoy what I have right now though.
Reference from the Satorialist.
Pageviews past week
Friday, December 19, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Still Life
I'm finally cracking down on my still life ;) Here was a render from early last night. It's already starting to look better!
So far so good, wallpaper suggestions though? Like seriously this whole art deco thing is harder than I imagined.... Everything blends too much... I apparently love my greys....
3D graphics,
art deco,
Haylie Shaw,
still life
So remember that little demonic lumberjack? I am now working or a redesign for him including Ancient Southeast Asia (I got a lot of their horror stuff being researched...) And Utility Vehicles in a dungeon and dragons like form. Harder than I thought it would be... But here's what I have so far and be looking for an update soon!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Keep Forgetting
So the struggle is real and I keep forgetting to post anything to my blog and basically several of my other things. So here's an image and I'll be throwing a whole ton of unposted inktober up soon.
forest spirit,
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
1920s Phone
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Inktober Day 4
So sadly I missed day three... But I have a day four for you!!! And I'll make up for it somewhere down the road with two drawings on the same day ;)
(Also I'm debating going through and finishing the background on this one ;)
(Also I'm debating going through and finishing the background on this one ;)
Friday, October 3, 2014
Inktober Day 2
I know! A day late, but I did draw it and post it on my Instagram yesterday! So it still counts and I just thought I'd share with all you lovely people!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Happy Inktober!!!
Happy Inktober everyone!!! I know it's just a simple sketch today but I promise there's more to come. For now enjoy my little ballerina here! (Also notice just a few minutes before midnight ;) Got the first day just barely...)
Friday, September 26, 2014
Demonic Lumberjack Toy
My Demonic lumberjack, the goal was to make him simple, clean, cute, and creepy. I think I did a pretty good job :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Danny's Giraffe
So I have a friend named Danny and he loves Giraffes ;) So I was sketching and I ended up with this guy. Done with tomb underlay and a pentel brush pen.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
BYU Application
So I was editing my bug for my application to the BYU animation program and this is what I ended up submitting for the application. I'm leaving out things like my 2D animation and my Sketchbook for now though I may take a few shots and get those up soon. The good news is I made it into the program. So it is possible! :)

So this is what I submitted except for those other two things! Enjoy going through it and know their decision is not completely based on just your portfolio but also your personality and dedication and many other factors.
Edit: I had to leave out some of my textures for a BYU film that we're working on too because the film is not yet done and proper etiquette here ;) Have those up in a few months!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Hard Rock
Hey sorry for not updating recently! Here's my latest project. Based loosely off of the look of the metal band Kittie. I'll be posting more frequently, so feel free to come back and check it out!
Update: Did a little bit more work on it, check out what I have right now! The border's just for fun! Enjoy!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Figure Drawings
So I do quite a bit of figure drawing and I have a long ways to go. Here are a few from the past few weeks. Enjoy :)
Monday, April 21, 2014
Self Portrait?
So I made an attempt and this is roughly similar to me. It's my own caricature of my self! :) I have short hair now so even if the rest of the face looks a tad bit off, I got the hair down ;)
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Figure Drawings
A few figure drawings I've done over the past few weeks.
These are also posted on my tumblr for those interested. I'll be updating that more frequently.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Hey! SO I realized I hadn't posted any of my 3D work on here yet, meet Fredrick. He's a tagger, though I'm hoping to ramp this up a bit when I get some spare time! Super happy with him!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Post-apocalyptic Hip Hop
I was going for a post apocalyptic Hip Hop feel. This is my evidence that hip hop won't die with the apocalypse, so prepare for this moment....
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Anna of the Amazon
My second attempt at digital painting... I'd rather not talk about the first. But I like it, except for that pesky hand....
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Legolas Alone
Okay, so the hobbit... How can you not feel bad for poor Legolas? I mean you have Tauriel who just goes on about how Kili "is pretty tall for a dwarf." and Then Legolas' father threatening Tauriel because Legolas likes her. So Legolas ends up alone... Therefore this is in tribute to him and the depressing factor that he has to sit by himself...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Figure Drawing

We were only allowed to use the broad edge of the conte. Which was a completely new experience for me. The change is control is so crazy. But I'm glad I'm getting the chance now!

The Old Days
To start welcome. I'm going to focus my first post on some older work I've done and go from there.
I don't know when I started doing art, I have no snazzy background story about how I started and then never wanted to stop. I just do it and I'm glad I do. Due to other conflicts and issues I didn't get to study art in high school and so I haven't had much formal training. Now that I'm in college though I'm working hard and learning so much! Everything is improving everyday! I strongly suggest learning how to draw and improving as much as you can, even if it's not for your career there's always a use for art in someones life. It's really something that can connect people.

So work I did on my own in high school was, for the most part, black and white. I didn't really know very much about color theory, and not being able to study it also caused a hindrance.

These first pieces don't even really count as art, I mean at the time I may have thought them as "being done" but I mean seriously. These are sketchbook pieces, which for some reason I went through a delusional stage where I thought that meant "book where I keep all my pieces of art and everything is to be finished and gorgeous. But there is no such thing as a perfect sketchbook, and that's just a fact you have to get used to.

So work I did on my own in high school was, for the most part, black and white. I didn't really know very much about color theory, and not being able to study it also caused a hindrance.

But a little bit about these. I liked dragons and little rabbit fox things in high school, like a lot. Magic was something I loved. So hence those little pieces of work... And the apples, hand, and tree were just practice. The girl is actually my sister. I drew here while we were in church. It was hilarious to see how still and stoic she began to be when she noticed I was drawing her.

Not everything was this shabby throughout my younger years though. I did actually do a few projects that I finished and weren't in my sketchbook. The majority of these were also black and white though. So i needed help with color at the time.

The thing I do like about these is actually the techniques used. I did a variety instead of just getting procedural good at something and sticking to that. It's much better for an artist to give several things a try instead of just saying, I'm going to draw fish and this is how I do it. We all have a style, but that's much different than just a permanent way to draw something.
I did just diagonal lines for Lincoln, or used a fine point sharpie for my stipple work. For the eye, which I do admit doesn't look like much, I used a razor blade and pastels, which is the only reason I'd include it is just to show a variety of medium choice.
The pinkies one I just found funny... Because that's just how it works sometimes. You can also check me out on My user is DevaMoon. So go take a look at that. This post is solely for the tracking of improvement. And proof that you can improve and your drawing now is not actually permanent.

Not everything was this shabby throughout my younger years though. I did actually do a few projects that I finished and weren't in my sketchbook. The majority of these were also black and white though. So i needed help with color at the time.

I did just diagonal lines for Lincoln, or used a fine point sharpie for my stipple work. For the eye, which I do admit doesn't look like much, I used a razor blade and pastels, which is the only reason I'd include it is just to show a variety of medium choice.

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